LogRocket Review

Purpose: Understanding progressive enhancement

  1. What is the site name and URL you reviewed? The name of the site is LogRocket and the URL is https://blog.logrocket.com/understanding-progressive-enhancement/.

  2. What are Progressive Enhancements? Progressive enhancement is a web design methodology that ensures that the content of the web app reaches all users first, regardless of their digital advantage, before those with more advanced browser features and internet connection receive augmented content.

  3. Why are Progressive Enhancements needed? When it comes to online content delivery, there are a variety of challenges that might arise that can be caused by either the user or the developer. Progressive enhancement is a solution that was created to mitigate the consequences of these issues, or at the very least provide the end-user with some, if not all, information.

  4. Does the site's home page validate? No, the home page does not validate.

  5. Find any other page on the site. Does the second page validate? No, the second page does not validate.

  6. Document how many validation errors and/or warnings may exist on each of the two pages you validate. The homepage has 610 errors and the second page has 34 errors.

  7. How would you rate the sites design, on a scale of 1 to 10? I would rate the sites design a 9 on 10. I say this because it is appealing to my eyes.

  8. How would you rate the site's usability on a scale of 1 to 10? I would also rate the usablity a 9 on 10. I say this because the site makes it very easy to navigate around.

  9. Does the site meet its purpose? Yes, the site serves it's purpose.