MDN Web Docs Review

Purpose: Understanding progressive enhancement

  1. Does the site's home page validate? No.

  2. Find any other page on the site. Does the second page validate? No.

  3. Document how many validation errors and/or warnings may exist on each of the two pages you validate. 6 errors for main page and 18 errors for second page.

  4. How would you rate the site's design, on a scale of 1(horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why? I would personally rate the site a 6/10 because I feel it is quite bland.

  5. How would you rate the site's usability on a scale of 1 (horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why? I would get it a 8/10 because it's easy to navigate.

  6. Does the site meet its purpose? Yes.